Why I’m Running

I want to continue to advocate for my community.
I have always believed that public schools are the foundation of a community. When I ran in 2017, I wanted to focus on providing a best-in-class education system while balancing the financial priorities of our community. I believe my analytical approach and financial acumen is helpful in finding the right answers for our schools. This will remain critical as we emerge from COVID and move forward with longer term plans for our school system.
Serving on the Board of Education during COVID taught me that you need to continually seek public input, listen to experts, plan, but then remain agile. There were many school systems that did not return to school at the beginning of 2020, but we listened to the community, developed a plan and opened, with much work and effort. I am so proud of what we accomplished, and I look forward to continuing to work tirelessly and effectively for our town.